I am a licensed psychologist who has been in practice for over 25 years.  I am an active psychotherapist who works primarily from a relational perspective.  This means that I understand that we are formed in relationship, harmed in relationship and healed in relationship. And work with people in the therapy room to create the healing part of relationship in an engaged and connected manner.  


Formative Trauma & Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

I have particular expertise in early formative trauma and PTSD. Thus, I assist individuals and couples in working on and through the early relational abandonment, harm and hardships, trauma or abuse that continue to impact of impede your current functioning or relationships.

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Couples and Family Psychotherapy

I was trained in “Systemic Family Therapy” before I was trained in individual therapy. Thus, in addition to doing individual therapy with adults and adolescents, I am a specialist in working with your entire family in the same room at the same time and with couples together as well.

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I provide weekly consultation groups and individual supervision to Psychologists, Social Workers and LMFT’s from an in-depth, relational perspective that integrates multiple approaches to facilitate understanding of and attuned work in the therapy relationship and process.

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